Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This terms of use agreement (the "Agreement") governs your use of the collection of Web pages and other digital content (the "Collections") available through the JeanetteMeyer.com website (the "Archive"). When accessing pages, documents and media, you state that you agree with the JeanetteMeyer.com terms of use agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use the Archive Collections or the JeanetteMeyer.com Website (the "Site").

You acknowledge that you have read and understood the JeanetteMeyer.com Privacy Policy and agree that the JeanetteMeyer.com may collect, use, and distribute information pursuant to that policy. If you provide any content to JeanetteMeyer.com, you grant the JeanetteMeyer.com a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use that content.



JeanetteMeyer.com is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy by handling all Personal Information securely and with care. This Privacy Policy explains how JeanetteMeyer.com collects, uses and discloses your Personal Information and how to contact JeanetteMeyer.com if you have any further questions regarding our management of your personal information.

What ‘Personal Information’ is collected?

We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet. We use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page.

Purposes for collecting information

We collect 'Personal' and "Non- Personal' Information for the following purposes:

✭ To be able to contact and correspond with our Visitors and Users with general or personalized e-mail notices and promotional messages;
✭ To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred Non-personal Information, which we use to provide and improve the user experience of the website and quality of our content;
✭ To comply with any applicable laws and regulations.


If you subscribe to the JeanetteMeyer.com E-mail Newsletter, your information is stored on third party servers. By subscribing to the JeanetteMeyer.com e-mail newsletter, you have agreed to the policies of this third party - "Mail Chimp". You can unsubscribe to the newsletter at anytime.

Disclosure to third parties

We never share your personal information with third parties.

External Websites and Resources

JeanetteMeyer.com links to third party websites and resources on the internet as they are records, media and/or documents included in the Archive. We are not responsible for the content or policies of external websites and resources. By clicking on a link that takes you to an external resource, you have agreed to the policies of the external website or resource. An external link to a website or resource is not an "endorsement" by JeanetteMeyer.com.


Cookies are small text files which are downloaded to your browser when you visit a website. We use cookies to enable us to monitor traffic patterns, measure interest in our content and to serve you more efficiently. A cookie does not identify you personally but it does identify your computer.


Using cookies allows JeanetteMeyer.com to use a program called “Google Analytics”. This program assists in the collection of information about visitors to its website. The information generated about your use of the Website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on their servers. This information is only accessible and used by JeanetteMeyer.com to improve our Website, user experience and content quality.

By accepting the use of cookies on JeanetteMeyer.com website you acknowledge and agree to the processing of your data by a third party, being Google, for the purposes outlined above. If you do not wish to allow for Google to collect your information and data, Google provides a browser add-on that allows you to opt-out of the collection of data. This opt-out browser add-on can be downloaded and installed via: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.


We take thoughtful, reasonable steps to store information in a secure manner, protected by a combination of physical and technical measures. Personal Information that we store electronically is stored on secure cloud services.

Despite our reasonable efforts, we cannot guarantee that the security of your Personal Information will not be breached, therefore, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all liability any responsibility for any damage you may suffer due to any loss, unauthorized access, misuse or alteration of any information we collect, except to the extent that our liability cannot be excluded by applicable laws and regulations which we are subject to.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy discloses our current privacy practices. From time to time and in line with legislative changes, this Privacy Policy will be reviewed, and, if appropriate, updated at any time without notice. Any changes to this Privacy Policy that may be made from time to time will be available on the JeanetteMeyer.com website. You can also obtain a copy of the current Privacy Policy by contacting JeanetteMeyer.com.

Last Modified: May 20, 2024



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